Colocation Walled Garden

Colocation Walled Garden was purpose built as a regional Telcoms hub, located just 6 miles from Portsmouth it offers carriers and satcoms operators Tier III space. Today its partially used for that and also offered as a Colocation facility. It beneifts from N+N UPS, Backup generator, N+1 cooling, redundant connectivity and comprehensive security measures

Power and Efficiency

Power is key to our business; we pro-actively monitor and maintain all core infrastructure to ensure its continued operation. Efficiency is a key concern for both our environmental impact and our competitive edge.

details +
  • Dual grid supplies
  • 3kW - 5kW per rack
  • Typical PUE of 1.2
  • 4MVA supply
  • Free Air Cooling
  • Online UPS ensuring frequency and voltage stability
  • 30 minutes UPS protection
  • 120 hours generator autonomy
  • 24x7 Generator re-fueling contract
  • Pro-active environmental monitoring


Multiple providers with diversely routed fibre to the site, no BT tails required, true diversity and enormous (40G+) capacity. We are a significant regional Internet hub providing fibre connectivity to hundreds of local businesses and data centres.

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  • Carrier Neutral
  • ON-NET Tier 1 connectivity
  • No dependency on BT
  • Choice of four Telcos
  • Connectivity from 1Mb to 40Gs (STM-256x)
  • Regional Tier 1 Fibre hub
  • Under 4ms from London
  • Truly diverse fibre
  • Wide choice of existing connectivity


Physical security is taken very seriously, we have a number of measures to deter, detect, delay and deny unauthorised access and strict controls on authorised access.

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  • Comprehensive audit logs on all access
  • Continuous video surveillance of all zones
  • Motion sensitive video recording
  • 12+ months CCTV history
  • Methods of Ingress rated to LPS1175
  • No windows
  • 4M high security wall
  • Specialist security doors

Location and Access

Our location was carefully chosen to ensure we had the best power, connectivity and access with minimal external risks and a welcoming and pleasant environment for our customers.

details +
  • Prestigious 220acre Private Estate
  • No industrial practices in vicinity
  • Single CCTV monitored vehicle entrance
  • 90 seconds from M27 Junction 11
  • No public right of way
  • Plenty of Free Parking
  • Nearby train station and airport
  • 9M above sea level
  • No flood risk
  • 75 miles (75 minutes) from London
  • Meteorologically protected by IOW and South Downs
  • Dry Gaseous fire suppression


Contact Us

If you'd like a tour please contact us, we have a number of photos of our site below